How I wonder seeing the stars at night. They are so exciting. Every twinkle that they make makes me happy and alive. They are thier above the skies.Rain or not. They are above us giving us joy, we just don't realize. Stars guides us in anywhere we go during the night and guide our destiny in our livesthrough our Zodiac signs. Stars are inspirations, when you reach the stars in your life.Stars stands for the beauty that inspires man's heart.Stars stands for a lasting love.
Many people just take stars for granted beause they are constant. Every night every one see them in a beautiful weather but some doesn't care at all. After all they are only stars. But when you are in your loneliness try to up you will see the stars looking at you. Smiling at you. Even singing for you. Stars are so wonderful, you can dream to your hearts delight with the stars. You can cry with the stars. Sing with the stars. You can be inspired with the stars. You can never be angy with the stars. Instead you can be very calm with the stars. Like the stars above, you can be very light like a feather that floats in the air. What a wonderful feeling that everyone enjoy the star.
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