It is almost two weeks already that I never reported in my work for the reason that I was admitted in the hospital for the blood transfused because my blood count is very low. But inspite of this I am so blessed because God is always with me. He never leave me and I feel He is always in my side, even though I am so worried about my situation now. For now, I am waiting again for my other result because my CA125 result (TUMORS MARKERS) is 143.6 U/ML and the normal of that is 35. But I know God is good. And I realized now maybe this things happen, because He missed me so much. Now I continue crying with HIM that the result of my next laboratory is negative for the cancer. To the people who read my blogs please pray for me for my full recovery.
Bing, just hold on with your faith. God allowed it for a purpose. Never give up. BE POSITIVE... Naunsa man diay ka? Im praying 4 u...